What I do

Over 700k

Users that use the applications I have developed.

8 Enterprise Projects

Successfully completed delivering ahead of schedule.

+6 Years Experience

I develop the infrastructure behind your application.


Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security

Enterprise mobile application

The IESS App is a mobile application that enables Ecuadorian users to effortlessly manage their IESS (Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social) information. Users can check their affiliation status, reserve funds, and review their responsibilities with ease. Moreover, the app provides a platform for both Ecuadorians and foreigners to affiliate with IESS seamlessly.

  • Flutter
  • WSO2 Api Manager
  • Java

Pichincha Bank - IS

Enterprise web application - Identity and Access Management

This web application allows Pichincha Bank's internal users to authenticate through the IS in all applications to which they have access (over 200 apps). The application manages the authentication and security policies of each individual application, enabling the creation, editing, and deletion of user permissions, as well as automatic synchronization and provisioning.

  • Angular
  • Microservices
  • WSO2 IS
  • Java

Pichincha Bank - Exchange Conector

Exchange Conector - Web API

This application facilitates communication between user management applications and both the Azure and Exchange servers through REST API. It allows for the provisioning of users in Azure AD and the management of mail accounts.

  • .Net
  • Microservices
  • Powershell
  • Exchange Server
  • Azure AD

Constructions and Oil Services - Project Management

Enterprise web application

This application assists with end-to-end project management. It automates budget tracking, daily work reports, and facilitates end-of-month certifications.

  • .Net MVC
  • .Net Web API
  • React
  • SQL Server
  • IIS

Constructions and Oil Services - CPP Services

React Native mobile application

This is an offline application equipped with a custom synchronization algorithm. It utilizes external biometric devices to grant employees access to various facilities such as restaurants, hotels, and transport services, as well as workplace locations.

  • React Native
  • Java
  • SQL Lite
  • SDK Biometric Device

Mariscal Sucre International Airport

Enterprise web application

This web application assists in managing airport incidents, tracking all meetings, and generating meeting minutes. Additionally, it allows for the control and validation of credential generation.

  • Angular
  • WSO2 Api Manager
  • WSO2 Enterprise Integrator

Constructions and Oil Services - Contracts

Flutter mobile application

This is an offline application that securely downloads, encrypts, and indexes the company's contracts and documents, allowing users to search for content in files for which they have permission.

  • Flutter
  • React
  • .Net
  • Azure Tabla Storage
  • SQL Lite

Coperative Financial Services - CACMU

Web application

This application manages the various steps of judicial processes within the cooperative, enabling users to monitor expired credits, portfolio recovery, and more.

  • Ruby on Rails
  • React
  • Oracle DB

Tools and Technologies



ML & Big Data

Where I have worked


Fullstack Developer

2018 - currently

Atikasoft is a software development company providing solutions for both the public and private sectors in Ecuador. We have developed projects for entities such as Pichincha Bank, Mariscal Sucre International Airport, and companies in the oil sector.

SQL Server
React Native

Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security

Mobile Developer

2022 - 2023

The Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security is an autonomous entity of the Ecuadorian state. I am involved in developing the next version of the institution's mobile application, enhancing both the current technology stack architecture and the UI with superior tools.


Coperative Financial Services - CACMU

Fullstack Developer

2017 - 2018

CACMU is a financial services cooperative that offers loans and savings accounts to its members. I was responsible for developing a web application for the company's internal users, which facilitates the management of the company's judicial processes, tracks the monthly recovery of funds, monitors portfolios at risk, and oversees the planning of employee vacations.

Ruby on Rails
Oracle DB

Freenet Technology

Frontend Developer

2016 - 2017

Freenet Technology is a company that offers technological and internet solutions to the private sector in Ibarra, Ecuador. I was responsible for developing the frontend of the company's project. In this role, I developed a web application utilizing the Google Maps API and configured GPS devices.

Google Maps API

Contact me

Santiago Lopez

